What will you find in our store?

The best replicas of historical artifacts. All our pieces have an exhaustive investigation behind, carried out with care and detail. If you want something that you cannot find in our store (or even in the market) or you need advice, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to attend you!

About Us

Northern Traders is the result of a passion for the Middle Ages, craftsmanship and tradition. We sell the best replicas of historical artifacts, heritage of past cultures, a true reflection of their ways of life and beliefs. We treasure this legacy with great respect and admiration, and we humbly contribute by making known these little gems, anonymously made, that have survived to this day.

Our Clients' Opinion

So incredibly beautiful, the workmanship far exceeded my expectations. This was my first order from this seller...it won't be my last.
Robert T.
Amazing quality knife price does not seem fair it's worth way more and I love it so much handle feels great in the hand and carves really well hang around camp
A beautifully made high quality Tarsoly Pouch! The shop owner was very helpful and I received my order very quickly. Highly recommend NorthernTradersEs !!


At this time we do not have a physical store open to the public, but you can pick up your order at our warehouse by making an appointment.
Our address
16150 Tragacete (Cuenca)
Get directions